What is difference between Delete vs truncate in SQL

 In SQL, "DELETE" and "TRUNCATE" are two different commands used for removing data from database tables, but they work in distinct ways:


The DELETE command is used to remove specific rows from a table based on specified conditions. It allows you to selectively delete data by specifying a WHERE clause to identify the rows that should be deleted. Here's an example:


DELETE FROM table_name

WHERE condition;


The DELETE command is typically used when you want to remove specific records while keeping the table structure intact. It is a transactional operation that can be rolled back, and it generates individual entries in the database's transaction log for each deleted row. This means that the operation can be slower, especially if you're deleting a large number of rows.


The TRUNCATE command is used to remove all rows from a table, effectively deleting all data within it. Unlike DELETE, TRUNCATE doesn't use a WHERE clause because it removes all rows from the table. Here's an example:


TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;


TRUNCATE is a non-transactional operation, meaning it cannot be rolled back. It also differs from DELETE in that it doesn't generate individual entries in the transaction log for each deleted row. As a result, TRUNCATE is generally faster than DELETE, especially for large tables, as it simply deallocates the data pages associated with the table and resets the table to its initial state.

It's important to note that TRUNCATE also has additional implications. It resets the table's auto-increment counters, removes all data and associated indexes, and releases the storage space back to the database. TRUNCATE is commonly used when you want to quickly remove all data from a table without worrying about individual row deletion or transaction logs.

In summary, DELETE is used to selectively remove specific rows from a table, while TRUNCATE is used to remove all rows and reset the table to its initial state. The choice between the two commands depends on the specific requirements of your use case.

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