What are the default permissions in IIS

In Internet Information Services (IIS), the default permissions for various resources and directories depend on the specific version of IIS and the configuration settings. However, I can provide you with a general overview of the default permissions typically used in IIS:

Content and Website Files:

Read: The "Everyone" group has read access by default. This allows users to access and view the content of the website.

Write: By default, write access is not granted to the "Everyone" group. This means that users cannot modify or add files to the website directory.

Execute: The "Everyone" group has execute permission by default, allowing users to run scripts or execute server-side code.

Configuration Files:

Read: The "Administrators" group and the "System" account have read access to the configuration files. This allows administrators and the system to read and modify the IIS configuration settings.

Write: The "Administrators" group and the "System" account have write access to the configuration files. This allows administrators and the system to modify the IIS configuration settings.

Execute: The "Administrators" group and the "System" account have execute permission on the configuration files.

System Directories:

Read/Write/Execute: The system directories, such as the Windows directory and system folders, have restricted access to ensure the security and integrity of the operating system.

It's important to note that the default permissions can vary based on the specific version and configuration of IIS, as well as any modifications made by administrators or system administrators. It is recommended to review and adjust the permissions based on your specific security and access requirements to ensure the appropriate level of access and protection for your IIS resources

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