What are the Languages that IIS Support?

Languages that IIS Supports: ASP, ASP.net, PHP, HTML Etc…

IIS Does not support Java, Python etc, usually, the applications developed in those languages will be hosted in Linux server which will have Apache/Tomcat like we have IIS in Windows. But still we can use them using ISAPI Extensions, which we will cover in upcoming classes

Internet Information Services (IIS), developed by Microsoft, is a web server software that runs on the Windows operating system. IIS supports multiple programming languages and technologies for developing web applications. Here are some of the languages and technologies commonly supported by IIS:

1. ASP.NET: IIS provides extensive support for ASP.NET, a web application framework developed by Microsoft. ASP.NET allows developers to build dynamic web pages and web applications using languages such as C# or Visual Basic.NET.

2. PHP: IIS can also be configured to support PHP, a popular server-side scripting language used for web development. Although PHP is more commonly associated with Apache web server, it can run on IIS using the FastCGI module or other third-party extensions.

3. Classic ASP: IIS has built-in support for Classic ASP (Active Server Pages), a server-side scripting environment used to create dynamic web pages. Classic ASP uses VBScript as its default scripting language.

4. Python: IIS can be configured to support Python web applications. This can be achieved by using the FastCGI module and configuring it to work with Python interpreters such as IronPython or CPython.

5. Node.js: IIS can be used as a reverse proxy to forward HTTP requests to a Node.js server. By leveraging the iisnode module, developers can host and run Node.js applications on IIS.

6. CGI: IIS can support Common Gateway Interface (CGI) applications, which are executable programs that generate dynamic web content. CGI applications can be written in various languages such as Perl, C/C++, or even shell scripting languages.

7. .NET Framework: IIS supports applications built on the .NET Framework, including languages like C# and Visual Basic.NET. You can host ASP.NET applications and other .NET-based web services on IIS.

8. Other languages: Additionally, IIS can serve static HTML pages and content generated by other languages like JavaScript, Java, Ruby, and more. These languages can be used in conjunction with appropriate frameworks or technologies.

It's worth noting that the specific configurations and versions of IIS, along with any additional modules or extensions, may affect the support for different programming languages and technologies. Therefore, it's always recommended to consult the official Microsoft documentation or relevant resources for the most up-to-date information on language support in IIS.

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