Basic PowerShell commands

 Certainly! Here are some basic PowerShell commands that can be useful for various tasks:

1. Get-Command:

   - Lists all available commands in PowerShell.

   - Example: `Get-Command`

2. Get-Help:

   - Provides help and documentation for commands.

   - Example: `Get-Help Get-Process`

3. Get-Process:

   - Retrieves information about running processes.

   - Example: `Get-Process`

4. Get-Service:

   - Retrieves information about system services.

   - Example: `Get-Service`

5. Get-ChildItem:

   - Lists files and folders in a specified directory.

   - Example: `Get-ChildItem C:\`

6. Set-Location:

   - Changes the current working directory.

   - Example: `Set-Location C:\`

7. New-Item:

   - Creates a new file or folder.

   - Example: `New-Item -ItemType File -Path C:\Temp\example.txt`

8. Remove-Item:

   - Deletes a file or folder.

   - Example: `Remove-Item C:\Temp\example.txt`

9. Copy-Item:

   - Copies a file or folder to a specified location.

   - Example: `Copy-Item C:\Temp\example.txt C:\Backup\`

10. Rename-Item:

    - Renames a file or folder.

    - Example: `Rename-Item C:\Temp\example.txt newexample.txt`

11. Out-File:

    - Sends output to a file.

    - Example: `Get-Process | Out-File C:\Temp\processes.txt`

12. Select-Object:

    - Selects specific properties of an object.

    - Example: `Get-Process | Select-Object Name, CPU`

These are just a few basic PowerShell commands to get you started. PowerShell is a powerful scripting language with a vast array of commands and functionalities. You can explore more commands and their usage by using the `Get-Help` command or by referring to the PowerShell documentation.

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