How to deploy code in IIS using Octopus Deployment Tool

Deploying code to IIS using Octopus Deploy is a common use case. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it: You can also watch the video here :


  • Make sure you have Octopus Deploy set up and configured with the necessary environments, targets, and projects.
  • Ensure your application code is ready for deployment and tested.

Create a Project:

  • In Octopus Deploy, create a new project for your deployment.
  • Define the project settings, including the name, description, lifecycle, and retention policies.

Create Deployment Process:

  • Inside the project, create a deployment process:
  • Define deployment steps and their order.
  • Add pre-deployment and post-deployment scripts or actions as needed.

Add a Deployment Target:

  • Add the deployment target(s) where your IIS server(s) are located.
  • Configure target-specific variables if necessary.

Configure Variables:

  • Define variables for your project. These could include paths, connection strings, and other configuration settings.
  • Set up environment-specific variables if you have different configurations for different environments (e.g., development, staging, production).

Add a Deployment Step for IIS:

  • Add a new deployment step to your process specifically for deploying to IIS.
  • Choose the "Deploy an IIS Web Site" step template provided by Octopus Deploy.

Configure IIS Deployment Step:

  • In the IIS deployment step:
  • Select the package or artifact to deploy (e.g., a zip file containing your application).
  • Specify the target IIS website name.
  • Choose the deployment mode (e.g., Stop/Start the App Pool, Recycle App Pool, etc.).
  • Configure additional settings like virtual path, authentication, and bindings.

Deploy the Project:

  • Save and deploy the project to your chosen deployment environment.
  • Octopus Deploy will execute the deployment steps, which includes deploying your code to IIS.

Monitor and Verify:

  • Monitor the deployment progress through the Octopus Deploy interface.
  • After deployment, verify that your application is running correctly in IIS.

Handling Configuration:

  • Depending on your application, you might need to update configurations like connection strings, API URLs, and other environment-specific settings. Octopus Deploy allows you to manage these through variables and configuration transforms.

Rollbacks and Retention:

  • Octopus Deploy allows you to roll back to previous deployments if needed. It's important to set up retention policies to manage the number of old deployments and artifacts.

Post-Deployment Actions:

  • After deploying your application, you might need to run additional scripts, database updates, or notifications. You can set up post-deployment scripts or actions within Octopus Deploy.

Remember, this is a high-level guide, and the actual steps and details might vary based on your project, the version of Octopus Deploy you're using, and the specific requirements of your deployment process. Always consult Octopus Deploy's official documentation and resources for the most accurate and up-to-date instructions.

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