How to register .Net framework with IIS

 To register the .NET Framework with Internet Information Services (IIS) on a Windows server, you can follow these steps:

1. Install the .NET Framework: Ensure that the desired version of the .NET Framework is installed on the server following the steps mentioned in the previous response.

2. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager: You can access IIS Manager by going to the "Start" menu, searching for "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager," and selecting it from the results.

3. Select the desired website or application: In the IIS Manager, navigate to the website or application where you want to register the .NET Framework.

4. Double-click on "Handler Mappings": In the selected website or application, double-click on the "Handler Mappings" feature. This will display a list of registered handlers.

5. Click on "Add Managed Handler": In the "Actions" pane on the right-hand side, click on "Add Managed Handler." This will open the "Add Managed Handler" dialog.

6. Configure the managed handler: In the "Add Managed Handler" dialog, provide the following details:

   - Request Path: Enter the file extension or path for which you want to register the .NET Framework. For example, "*.aspx" to handle ASP.NET pages.

   - Type: Select "System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory" from the list.

   - Name: Give a name for the managed handler. It can be any descriptive name.

7. Click "OK" to save the changes: Once you have provided the necessary details in the "Add Managed Handler" dialog, click "OK" to save the configuration.

8. Restart IIS: To ensure that the changes take effect, it is recommended to restart IIS. You can do this by going to the "Actions" pane and clicking on "Restart" under the "Manage Server" section.

After registering the .NET Framework with IIS using the above steps, IIS will be able to handle requests for the specified file extensions or paths using the appropriate version of the .NET Framework.

It's important to note that the steps may vary slightly depending on the version of IIS and the specific .NET Framework version installed on your server. It's always a good practice to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or consult the relevant resources for your specific configuration.

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