What is a Server?

Server is just a computer that will have Motherboard, Ram, processor, Hard disk etc, it is just like our PC but we use that for hosting our websites. 

There are 2 Types of Servers. Physical and Virtual Server

Physical Server: Physical Servers are the piece of hardware that are configured to perform the tasks of your business. Generally, this hardware is in your server room or broom closet.

Virtual Server(VM): A virtual server or Virtual Machine is a server that shares hardware and software resources with other operating systems (OS), versus dedicated servers. There are multiple Virtualization software like Hyper-V, VMWare, Oracle VM Box

What I got from ChatGPT?

A server is a computer or a system that is designed to provide services, resources, or functionality to other computers or clients connected to a network. It acts as a central hub or a powerful machine that responds to requests and shares resources with other devices or clients in the network.

Servers are typically more robust and have higher processing power, memory, and storage capacity compared to regular client computers. They are designed to handle multiple client requests simultaneously and are optimized for reliability, availability, and performance.

Here are a few common types of servers:

1. File Server: Stores and manages files, allowing clients to access and share files over a network.

2. Web Server: Hosts websites and delivers web pages to clients over the internet using protocols like HTTP or HTTPS. Examples include Apache HTTP Server and Microsoft IIS.

3. Database Server: Manages and provides access to databases, allowing clients to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. Examples include MySQL, Oracle Database, and Microsoft SQL Server.

4. Mail Server: Handles email communication, including sending, receiving, and storing emails. Examples include Microsoft Exchange Server and Postfix.

5. Application Server: Runs applications and provides services or business logic to clients. It often supports the execution of custom-developed or specialized software.

6. DNS Server: Resolves domain names into corresponding IP addresses, enabling clients to access websites using human-readable domain names instead of IP addresses.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other types of servers available depending on specific needs and requirements.

Servers can be dedicated machines solely serving as servers or virtual machines (VMs) running on a physical server. They can be located on-premises within an organization's infrastructure or hosted in the cloud, such as on platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Overall, servers play a crucial role in networking environments by providing resources, services, and data to clients, enabling efficient communication, data storage, and application delivery across networks.

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